Equitable Distribution

Equitable Distribution is the process by which the judge will allocate and divide the marital assets and liabilities between you and your spouse. In Florida, this process is governed by Florida Statute § 61.075. When the judge distributes the marital assets and liabilities between you and your spouse, the court must begin with the premise that the distribution should be equal. However, there are cases where the judge may decide that an unequal distribution of assets is necessary, based on certain relevant factors. Presenting evidence of these factors can have a marked influence on how assets are divided.

Marital Assets and Liabilities in a Divorce

The biggest fight in this particular area of a divorce is usually whether or not a particular asset or liability qualifies as marital and therefore is subject to the court's equitable distribution.

"Marital Assets and Liabilities" as defined by §61.075 are:

Conversely, "Non-marital Assets and Liabilities" include:

Unequal Distribution

As we mentioned above, the Court will usually divide your assets and liabilities as equally as possible. However, the Court may find that the circumstances of the case warrant an unequal distribution, where one party will be awarded more of an asset or liability than the other. To make such a determination, your judge will look at the following relevant factors:

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